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LawToolBox - Create Triggers, Calculate Deadlines and Create Appointments
Outlook Error: Unable to Delete an email marker file
Changing the Outlook Add-in Registry Settings To Always Enabled - "Outlook detected an add-in problem"
Configuring What you Can Attach Emails to from our Outlook Add-in
How to Add Centerbase Flag on Outlook
Microsoft Word
Word Error: The requested parameter is outside the range
Saving Microsoft Word Documents with CB Save
How to Create a Document Merge Template with our Microsoft Word Add-in
How to Install the Centerbase Word Add-in
LawPay Integration
Convenience Fee Charge
NetDocs Error: " refused to connect."
NetDocs: An Admin level user authorization has expired
NetDocuments Integration
Configuring iManage
Setting-up Cloud iManage Integration
iManage.Work Configuration
Office 365
Office 365 Site Settings
How Do I Connect to Office 365?
QuickBooks Online Syncing Issues - How to Resolve
ERROR: Failed to add Invoice. Could not process Customer.
QuickBooks Online
Stripe Integration
Web Forms
EXAMPLE CODE: HTML page submitting to your own PHP server side code
EXAMPLE CODE: PHP page POSTing to Centerbase using cURL
EXAMPLE CODE: PHP page POSTing to Centerbase using WordPress
EXAMPLE CODE: HTML page submitting directly to Centerbase
Auto-Text Expander
Adding Magical (previously Auto Text Expander) into Chrome for Short Codes in Centerbase