This is an example of PHP server-side code POSTs the web form data to Centerbase using WordPress.
<?php $error = null; try { // We add everything that was posted to the PHP page $params = array( 'body' => $_POST ); $params['body']['CbPrivateKey'] = ''; // SPECIFY THE PRIVATE KEY HERE $params['body']['CbFormId'] = ''; // SPECIFY THE ID OF THE FORM HERE // Uncomment this and add your e-mail address in order to test your code // If Centerbase receives the form data successfully, it will send you an e-mail showing the data it was sent instead of adding records to Centerbase //$params['body']['TestEmail'] = ''; // Post the data to Centerbase using WordPress // Note: replace with your Centerbase site URL (such as $url = ""; $jsonresult = wp_remote_post($url, $params); // Decode the JSON result $result = json_decode($jsonresult); // If Centerbase said it was successful, we are good to go if ($result->success) { echo 'It Worked!'; // PUT ANY CODE HERE THAT YOU WANT RUN IF THERE WERE NO ERRORS } else { // Otherwise, get the error Centerbase returned $error = $result->error; } } catch (Exception $e) { // Catch the exception and note the error $error = $e->getMessage(); } // If there was an error, show it now if (!is_null($error)) { echo $error; // PUT ANY CODE HERE THAT YOU WANT RUN IF THERE WAS AN ERROR } ?>
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