User attempts to use a template for an email, but their default template is not there and there is no where to select the template.
This occurs because the email template is set up for a different item. Each item in Centerbase uses a different email template, so an email template used for bills will not show up for other records like consolidated bills and matter.
To make this appear, create a new template as described here: HTML Editor - Email Templates
Before creating a new template, copy and paste the body of the email template outside of Centerbase.
Also copy the properties for the template. Do so by going to File>Properties on the HTML Template.
Once that is copied, go to the field and select a field for the template needing to be created. Then paste that information into Centerbase from the previous email template and reattach the fields.
After saving that template, the email for that item should allow you to select that template needed.
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