When generating bills, users can selectively bill for just fees or just expenses or automatically split them both onto two separate bills.
The default settings for this can be set at the System, Client, or the Matter level with Matter taking precedence followed by Client and then System.
The System Settings default can be changed under system Settings=>Billing=>General=>Bill Generation.
Client and Matter level settings can be changed through the Contact/Matter settings=>Billing button.
There are four options to chose from:
- Include Both Fees and Expenses
- The default option. Bills/Invoices for these matters will include billing entries for both fees (time) and expenses.
- Include Only Fees
- Bills/Invoices for these matters will only include billing entries for fees (time)
- Include Only Expenses
- Bills/Invoices for these matters will only include billing entries for expenses.
- Separate Bills for Fees and Expenses
- When Generating bills/invoices for these matters, two bills will be generated for each matter; one will only include fees, and the other will only include expenses.
The Generate Bills page will reflect these settings as Matters with settings different from the default “Both Fees and Expenses” settings will be marked to indicate which bill generation setting they have. Here, “Only Expenses” is indicated by the letter E, “Only Fees” is indicated by the letter F, and “Separate Bills” is indicated by the letter S.
- Unless included by additional filters, “Only Fees” matters will only be retrieved for bill generation if they have unbilled fees. Similarly, “Only Expenses” matters will only be retrieved if they have unbilled expenses.
- Matters with the “Only Fees” setting will have their Unbilled Expenses displayed as $0.00, even if the matter has expense entries that are not on bills. The reverse is true for “Only Expenses”.
- The Unbilled Hours/Fees and Unbilled Expenses totals do not include the hours/fees/expenses of matters that have a setting excluding those types of entries. E.g., any time entries on a Matter with the “Only Expenses” setting do not count toward the total Unbilled Fees and Hours displayed.
- In the event that “Separate” billing is enabled when generating a bill for a matter that either has no unbilled fees or no unbilled expenses, only one Bill will be generated. If neither unbilled fees nor expenses exist on a matter when generating the bill, only one statement will be generated.
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