The Centerbase Item Type is useful in certain situations for advanced configuration or customization. All item types in the default template and legacy items are listed below with their corresponding Field numbers.
If you need the ID of a field that is not in this list, you can find details on how to lookup field IDs here.
Name | Item Type | Item Field # |
Item Field Name
User | 1 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
User | 1 | 1050 | Administrator |
User | 1 | 1211 | Description |
User | 1 | 1011 | Is Partner |
User | 1 | 1012 |
Reporting Category
User | 1 | 1013 | Is Timekeeper |
User | 1 | 1026 | Name |
User | 1 | 1000436 | Initials |
User | 1 | 1000437 | Full Name |
User | 1 | 1000438 |
LEDES Classification Code
Activity | 2 | 1000066 | Matter |
Activity | 2 | 1000079 | Contact |
Activity | 2 | 1000082 | Notes |
Activity | 2 | 1000931 | Potential Client |
Activity | 2 | 1000925 |
Responsible Attorney
Activity | 2 | 1000926 |
Scheduled Group 1
Activity | 2 | 1000998 | Associate |
Activity | 2 | 1000999 |
Scheduled Group 2
Activity | 2 | 1001022 | Paralegal |
Activity | 2 | 1001023 | Admin |
Activity | 2 | 1001024 | Other Staff |
Activity | 2 | 1026 | Activity Subject |
Activity | 2 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Activity | 2 | 1211 | Description |
Activity | 2 | 1293 | DeadlineID |
Activity | 2 | 1294 |
Hide Details and Show As
Activity | 2 | 1295 | TriggerName |
Activity | 2 | 1296 |
Activity | 2 | 1290 | Is Trigger Date |
Activity | 2 | 1291 | DeadlineNumber |
Activity | 2 | 1298 | DeadlineCode |
Activity | 2 | 1264 | ReminderTime |
Activity | 2 | 1245 |
Completion Status
Activity | 2 | 1237 | Email Recipients |
Activity | 2 | 1238 |
Sync With Office365
Activity | 2 | 1216 | Start Date/Time |
Activity | 2 | 1217 | End Date/Time |
Activity | 2 | 1218 |
Original Start Date
Activity | 2 | 1219 |
Original End Date
Activity | 2 | 1220 | Location |
Activity | 2 | 1221 | All Day Event |
Activity | 2 | 1228 | Roll Forward |
Activity | 2 | 1231 | Color |
Activity | 2 | 1418 | Completion Date |
Activity | 2 | 1435 |
Activity | 2 | 1601 | Project |
Activity | 2 | 1602 | Parent Activity |
Activity | 2 | 1603 | Priority |
Activity | 2 | 1604 | Document |
Activity | 2 | 1417 |
Percent Complete
Contact | 3 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
Contact | 3 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
Contact | 3 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
Contact | 3 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
Contact | 3 | 3639 |
Bill To Contact Name
Contact | 3 | 3640 |
Bill To Company Name
Contact | 3 | 3641 | Bill To Address |
Contact | 3 | 3642 |
Bill To Phone Number
Contact | 3 | 1397 | Custom Text 2 |
Contact | 3 | 1398 | Custom Text 4 |
Contact | 3 | 1094 | URL |
Contact | 3 | 1204 | Custom Text 3 |
Contact | 3 | 1153 | Custom Text 6 |
Contact | 3 | 1245 | Contact Status |
Contact | 3 | 1259 | Primary E-mail |
Contact | 3 | 1286 | Contact Type |
Contact | 3 | 1003 | Is Client |
Contact | 3 | 1025 |
Company / Organization
Contact | 3 | 1035 | Work Phone |
Contact | 3 | 1036 | Fax Number |
Contact | 3 | 1026 | Name |
Contact | 3 | 1000943 |
# of Received Referrals
Contact | 3 | 1000972 | Middle Name |
Contact | 3 | 1000973 | Mobile Phone |
Contact | 3 | 1000974 | Home Phone |
Contact | 3 | 1000975 | Alternate Email |
Contact | 3 | 1000976 |
Business Address
Contact | 3 | 1000977 | Home Address |
Contact | 3 | 1000978 | Prefix |
Contact | 3 | 1000979 | Suffix |
Contact | 3 | 1000980 | Salutation |
Contact | 3 | 1000982 | Referred by |
Contact | 3 | 1000983 |
Preferred Communication
Contact | 3 | 1000984 | Title |
Contact | 3 | 1000917 |
# of Sent Referrals
Contact | 3 | 1000641 | Date of Birth |
Contact | 3 | 1000661 | Social Sec # |
Contact | 3 | 1000817 | Custom Text 5 |
Contact | 3 | 1000485 | Client Number |
Contact | 3 | 1000476 |
WF - Last Matter Opened
Contact | 3 | 1000533 | # of Matters |
Contact | 3 | 3637 |
Bill To Email Address(s)
Contact | 3 | 3638 |
Client Accepts Bill by Email?
Contact | 3 | 1000401 | Inquiry Notes |
Contact | 3 | 1000389 | First Name |
Contact | 3 | 1000390 | Last Name |
Contact | 3 | 1000393 | PNC Record |
Contact | 3 | 1000394 | Source |
Contact | 3 | 1000395 |
Last Matter Opened
User Contacts | 4 | 3638 | Email Invoice |
User Contacts | 4 | 3637 |
Invoice Recipient
User Contacts | 4 | 3636 |
Linkedin Summary
User Contacts | 4 | 1026 | Name |
User Contacts | 4 | 1034 | ID Status |
User Contacts | 4 | 1040 | Salutation |
User Contacts | 4 | 1046 | Title |
User Contacts | 4 | 1025 | Client |
User Contacts | 4 | 1297 |
Previous Companies
User Contacts | 4 | 1337 | Email List |
User Contacts | 4 | 1245 | Status |
User Contacts | 4 | 1153 | LinkedIn ID |
User Contacts | 4 | 1090 | Creator |
User Contacts | 4 | 1094 | Linkedin Profile |
User Contacts | 4 | 1078 | First Name |
User Contacts | 4 | 1079 | Last Name |
User Contacts | 4 | 1088 | Department |
User Contacts | 4 | 1089 | Spouse |
User Contacts | 4 | 3602 |
Current Employer
User Contacts | 4 | 3606 | Current Salary |
User Contacts | 4 | 3607 | Desired Salary |
User Contacts | 4 | 3610 | Keywords |
User Contacts | 4 | 3616 | TextResume |
User Contacts | 4 | 3620 |
User Contacts | 4 | 3621 | Skills |
User Contacts | 4 | 3622 |
Current Orginal Resume
User Contacts | 4 | 3623 |
Current Clean Resume
User Contacts | 4 | 3625 | Email Message |
User Contacts | 4 | 3626 | Linkedin Profile |
User Contacts | 4 | 3627 | Linkedin Picture |
User Contacts | 4 | 3630 | Is Candidate |
User Contacts | 4 | 3631 |
LinkedIn Locations
User Contacts | 4 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
User Contacts | 4 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
User Contacts | 4 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
User Contacts | 4 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
User Contacts | 4 | 1499 | Middle Name |
User Contacts | 4 | 1500 | Display Name |
User Contacts | 4 | 3603 |
Candidate Number
Groups | 5 | 1211 | Description |
Groups | 5 | 1026 | Name |
Opportunities | 6 | 1026 | Name |
Opportunities | 6 | 1211 | Description |
Opportunities | 6 | 1025 | Company |
Opportunities | 6 | 1245 | Status |
Opportunities | 6 | 1343 | Unit Price |
Opportunities | 6 | 1348 | Contact Name |
Opportunities | 6 | 1349 | Value |
Opportunities | 6 | 1351 | Sales Rep |
Opportunities | 6 | 1355 | Quantity |
Opportunities | 6 | 1357 | Champion |
Opportunities | 6 | 1358 | Buyer |
Opportunities | 6 | 1315 | Product |
Opportunities | 6 | 1288 | Lead Date |
Opportunities | 6 | 1289 | Source |
Opportunities | 6 | 1256 | Reason |
Opportunities | 6 | 1257 | Sales Stage |
Opportunities | 6 | 1258 | Product |
Opportunities | 6 | 1246 | Product ID |
Opportunities | 6 | 1247 | Type ID |
Opportunities | 6 | 1248 | Probability |
Opportunities | 6 | 1249 | Sale Date |
Opportunities | 6 | 1250 | Units On Order |
Opportunities | 6 | 1253 | Sale Start Date |
Opportunities | 6 | 1438 |
Expected Revenue
Opportunities | 6 | 1445 | OverrideValues1 |
Opportunities | 6 | 1446 |
Opportunities | 6 | 1448 | Assigned To |
E-Mail Addresses | 7 | 1259 | EMail Address |
E-Mail Addresses | 7 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
E-Mail Addresses | 7 | 1211 | Description |
E-Mail Addresses | 7 | 1026 | Name |
Notes | 14 | 1026 | Name |
Notes | 14 | 1211 | Description |
Notes | 14 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
Notes | 14 | 1237 | Type |
Notes | 14 | 1401 | Text 1401 |
Notes | 14 | 1402 | Text 1402 |
Notes | 14 | 1403 | Text 1403 |
Notes | 14 | 1404 | Text 1404 |
Notes | 14 | 1405 | Date 1405 |
Notes | 14 | 1406 | Date 1406 |
Notes | 14 | 1407 | Text 1407 |
Notes | 14 | 1000509 | Contact |
Notes | 14 | 1000902 | Matter |
Calls | 15 | 1000563 | Assigned To |
Calls | 15 | 1000212 | Contact |
Calls | 15 | 1000215 |
Duration (minutes)
Calls | 15 | 1000217 | Matter |
Calls | 15 | 1000407 |
Potential New Client
Calls | 15 | 1459 |
Scheduled Follow-up
Calls | 15 | 1460 | Actual Follow-up |
Calls | 15 | 1461 |
Original Call Date
Calls | 15 | 1245 | Results |
Calls | 15 | 1034 | Company Name |
Calls | 15 | 1035 | Phone Number |
Calls | 15 | 1211 | Notes |
Calls | 15 | 1026 | Name |
Calls | 15 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Calls | 15 | 1501 | Contact Name |
Calls | 15 | 1502 | Title |
Calls | 15 | 1503 | Email Address |
Calls | 15 | 1504 | Address |
Calls | 15 | 1542 |
Duration (seconds)
16 | 1026 | Name | |
16 | 1010 | Alternate Key | |
16 | 1111 | File Date | |
16 | 1391 | Object CRCID | |
16 | 1000960 | Matter | |
16 | 1000961 | Contact | |
Documents | 17 | 1000427 | Document Code |
Documents | 17 | 1000291 |
Buyer Oriented Easement
Documents | 17 | 1000239 | Matter |
Documents | 17 | 1000241 | Contact |
Documents | 17 | 1000242 | Category |
Documents | 17 | 1000247 | Description |
Documents | 17 | 1111 | File Date |
Documents | 17 | 1235 | Path |
Documents | 17 | 1408 | Created |
Documents | 17 | 1409 | Accessed |
Documents | 17 | 1410 | Modified |
Documents | 17 | 1411 | Base64Format |
Documents | 17 | 1412 | FileAttributes |
Documents | 17 | 1413 | ExtraPath |
Documents | 17 | 1414 | Size |
Documents | 17 | 1415 | Compressed |
Documents | 17 | 1416 | Encrypted |
Documents | 17 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
Documents | 17 | 1026 | Name |
Documents | 17 | 1417 | Version |
History | 18 | 1026 | Name |
History | 18 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
History | 18 | 1211 | Description |
History | 18 | 1407 | Text 1407 |
History | 18 | 1406 | Date 1406 |
History | 18 | 1405 | Date 1405 |
History | 18 | 1404 | Text 1404 |
History | 18 | 1403 | Text 1403 |
History | 18 | 1402 | Text 1402 |
History | 18 | 1401 | Text 1401 |
Merge Templates | 19 | 1026 | Name |
Merge Templates | 19 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Bills | 30 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Bills | 30 | 1026 | Name |
Bills | 30 | 1211 | Description |
Bills | 30 | 3001 | Bill Number |
Bills | 30 | 3002 | Issue Date |
Bills | 30 | 3003 | Tax Rate |
Bills | 30 | 3004 | Client |
Bills | 30 | 3005 | Start Date |
Bills | 30 | 3006 | End Date |
Bills | 30 | 3007 | Terms (Days) |
Bills | 30 | 3008 | Is Consolidated |
Bills | 30 | 3009 | Is Posted |
Bills | 30 | 3017 |
Generated Attachment
Bills | 30 | 3051 | Subtotal |
Bills | 30 | 3052 | Payments |
Bills | 30 | 3053 | Balance |
Bills | 30 | 3054 | Bill Total |
Bills | 30 | 3055 | Tax |
Bills | 30 | 3056 |
Taxable Item Total
Bills | 30 | 3057 |
NonTaxable Item Total
Bills | 30 | 3058 | Posted Balance |
Bills | 30 | 3059 |
Posted Trust Balance
Bills | 30 | 3060 |
Posted Payments Balance
Bills | 30 | 3062 |
Discount Percentage
Bills | 30 | 3063 | Discount Total |
Bills | 30 | 3064 | Credits |
Bills | 30 | 3065 |
Discount Amount
Bills | 30 | 3066 |
Discountable Total
Bills | 30 | 3067 |
Converted To Flat Rate
Bills | 30 | 3068 | Expenses Total |
Bills | 30 | 3069 | Fee Total |
Bills | 30 | 3070 | Due Date |
Bills | 30 | 3071 |
Adjustment Time Hours
Bills | 30 | 3072 |
Adjustment Time Amount
Bills | 30 | 3073 |
Adjustment Expense Amount
Bills | 30 | 3074 | Adjustment Total |
Bills | 30 | 3075 |
Post Flat Rate Fee Total
Bills | 30 | 3076 |
Post Flat Rate Expense Total
Bills | 30 | 3077 |
Post Flat Rate Summary
Bills | 30 | 3078 |
Use Flat Rate Summary
Bills | 30 | 3079 |
Last Post Snapshot
Bills | 30 | 3080 | Interest |
Bills | 30 | 3081 | Fee Balance |
Bills | 30 | 3082 |
Expenses Balance
Bills | 30 | 3083 | Tax Balance |
Bills | 30 | 3084 | Interest Balance |
Bills | 30 | 3085 |
Is Interest Manually Set
Bills | 30 | 3086 | LSS Sequence |
Bills | 30 | 3087 | Is Split Bill |
Bills | 30 | 3094 | Template Name |
Bills | 30 | 3095 | Email Message |
Bills | 30 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
Bills | 30 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
Bills | 30 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
Bills | 30 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
Bills | 30 | 1000248 |
Date Last Checked
Bills | 30 | 1000174 | Hourly Charges |
Bills | 30 | 1000175 | Other Charges |
Bills | 30 | 1000183 | Bill Status |
Bills | 30 | 1000186 | Hours Invoiced |
Bills | 30 | 1000274 | Phone |
Bills | 30 | 1000430 | Approved by |
Bills | 30 | 1000431 | Approval Date |
Bills | 30 | 1000432 | Sent by |
Bills | 30 | 1000433 | Sent date |
Bills | 30 | 1000434 | Bill to Email |
Bills | 30 | 1000151 | Matter |
Bills | 30 | 1000152 | Bill-To Contact |
Bills | 30 | 1000153 |
Insurance Company
Bills | 30 | 1000154 |
Responsible Attorney
Bills | 30 | 1000962 |
Originating Attorney
Bills | 30 | 1000964 | Billing Attorney |
Bills | 30 | 1001019 | Approval Status |
Bills | 30 | 1000486 | Paid in Full |
Bills | 30 | 1000803 |
Approve/Reject Notes
Bills | 30 | 1000598 | Copy of Bill |
Billing Codes | 31 | 1000170 | Item Type |
Billing Codes | 31 | 1000344 | LEDES Code |
Billing Codes | 31 | 1000345 |
LEDES Summary
Billing Codes | 31 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
Billing Codes | 31 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
Billing Codes | 31 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
Billing Codes | 31 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
Billing Codes | 31 | 3102 | Rate |
Billing Codes | 31 | 3103 | Taxable |
Billing Codes | 31 | 3104 |
Income Account Id
Billing Codes | 31 | 3105 |
Expense Account Id
Billing Codes | 31 | 3106 | Type |
Billing Codes | 31 | 3107 | Expense Type |
Billing Codes | 31 | 3108 | LEDES Code |
Billing Codes | 31 | 1211 | Description |
Billing Codes | 31 | 1026 | Name |
Billing Codes | 31 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Billing Entries | 32 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Billing Entries | 32 | 1026 | Name |
Billing Entries | 32 | 1211 | Description |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3201 |
Billable Hours (Quantity)
Billing Entries | 32 | 3202 | Billable Rate |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3203 | Taxable |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3204 |
Billing Code Name
Billing Entries | 32 | 3217 | Document |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3230 | Bill |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3231 | Billing Code |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3232 |
Split Billing Base Entry
Billing Entries | 32 | 3251 | Billable Value |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3252 | EntryDate |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3253 | Timekeeper |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3254 | Type |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3255 | Is Non Billable |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3256 | Hide From Bill |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3257 | Is Flat Rate |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3258 | Notes |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3261 | Check |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3263 | Start Time |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3264 | End Time |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3265 | Timer Start Time |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3266 | Timer End Time |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3267 | Timer Hours |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3268 |
Secondary Product
Billing Entries | 32 | 3269 |
Actual Hours (Quantity)
Billing Entries | 32 | 3270 |
Actual Rate
Billing Entries | 32 | 3271 |
Pre Flat NonBillable
Billing Entries | 32 | 3272 |
Pre Flat Hide From Bill
Billing Entries | 32 | 3274 | Actual (Potential) Value |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3275 | Vendor Bill |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3276 | Vendor |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3277 |
Flat Rate Adjustment
Billing Entries | 32 | 3278 |
Pre Flat Rate Total
Billing Entries | 32 | 3280 | Account |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3281 |
Credit Card Account
Billing Entries | 32 | 3282 | Payee |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3283 | Debit Account |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3284 |
Non Billable Hours / Quantity
Billing Entries | 32 | 3285 |
Reporting Billable Hours (Quantity)
Billing Entries | 32 | 3286 |
Split Billing Percentage
Billing Entries | 32 | 3287 |
Split Billing Base Actual Quantity
Billing Entries | 32 | 3288 |
Split Billing Base Actual Price
Billing Entries | 32 | 3289 |
Split Billing Base Billable Quantity
Billing Entries | 32 | 3290 |
Split Billing Base Billable Price
Billing Entries | 32 | 3291 |
Split Billing Base Matter
Billing Entries | 32 | 3292 |
Split Billing Generating Matter
Billing Entries | 32 | 3293 |
Split Billing Parent Matter
Billing Entries | 32 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
Billing Entries | 32 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
Billing Entries | 32 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
Billing Entries | 32 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
Billing Entries | 32 | 3094 |
Quickbooks Changed
Billing Entries | 32 | 1000368 |
Payment Account
Billing Entries | 32 | 1000376 |
Quantity Adjustment
Billing Entries | 32 | 1000377 | Price Adjustment |
Billing Entries | 32 | 1000220 | Matter |
Billing Entries | 32 | 1000967 |
Write Down Value
Billing Entries | 32 | 1000957 | Effective Rate |
Billing Entries | 32 | 1000948 |
Billable Ratio (Billable / Actual)
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000180 | Bill-To Zip |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000181 | CC/Check # |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000182 | Paid By |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000161 | Bill-To Contact |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000162 | Company |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000163 |
Insurance Company
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000164 | Attorney |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000165 | Payment Type |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1000167 | CC Expiration |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3399 | Matter |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3301 | Amount |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3302 | Distribution Date |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3303 | Type |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3304 |
Is Main Distribution
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3305 | Fee Total |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3306 | Expense Total |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3307 | Tax Total |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3308 | Interest Total |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3309 |
Finance Charge Account Id
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3310 |
Sales Tax Liability Account Id
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3330 | Bill |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3331 | Date Allocated |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3332 | Payment |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 3333 | Posted Invoice |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1211 | Notes |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1026 | Name |
Payment Distributions | 33 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 1026 | Name |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3501 |
Transaction Date
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3502 | Credit |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3503 | Debit |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3504 | Method Type |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3505 | Account Type |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3506 | Type |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3507 | Notes |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3508 | Pay To |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3509 | Check |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3510 | Value |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3520 | Matter |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3521 | Bank Account |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3522 | Liability Account |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3530 | Invoice |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3533 | Posted Invoice |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3534 | Contact |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3539 | Payment |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3540 |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3541 | Voided |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3548 | Transaction |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3549 | Trust Account |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3554 | AR Transfer |
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3572 |
Trust Bank Transfer
Trust Transactions | 35 | 3573 | Deposit |
Candidate | 36 | 3601 | Title |
Candidate | 36 | 3603 |
Candidate Number
Candidate | 36 | 3604 | |
Candidate | 36 | 3605 | Phone |
Candidate | 36 | 3631 |
LinkedIn Locations
Candidate | 36 | 3627 | Linkedin Picture |
Candidate | 36 | 3628 | Middle Name |
Candidate | 36 | 3626 | Linkedin Profile |
Candidate | 36 | 3625 | Email Message |
Candidate | 36 | 3623 |
Current Clean Resume
Candidate | 36 | 3624 | Assigned To |
Candidate | 36 | 3622 |
Current Orginal Resume
Candidate | 36 | 3621 | Skills |
Candidate | 36 | 3620 |
Candidate | 36 | 3616 | TextResume |
Candidate | 36 | 3617 | First Name |
Candidate | 36 | 3618 | Last Name |
Candidate | 36 | 3619 | Address |
Candidate | 36 | 3610 | Keywords |
Candidate | 36 | 3611 | Description |
Candidate | 36 | 3612 | Status |
Candidate | 36 | 3613 | Date Of Birth |
Candidate | 36 | 3614 |
Social Security Number (SSN)
Candidate | 36 | 3615 | Status |
Candidate | 36 | 3607 | Desired Salary |
Candidate | 36 | 3608 | Job Category |
Candidate | 36 | 3609 |
Job Sub Category
Candidate | 36 | 3606 | Current Salary |
Candidate | 36 | 3602 |
Current Employer
Candidate | 36 | 1026 | Name |
Candidate | 36 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Candidate | 36 | 3636 |
Linkedin Summary
Employment History | 37 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Employment History | 37 | 1026 | Name |
Employment History | 37 | 3701 | Title |
Employment History | 37 | 3702 | Employer |
Employment History | 37 | 3703 | Start Date |
Employment History | 37 | 3704 | End Date |
Employment History | 37 | 3705 | Candidate |
Employment History | 37 | 3706 | Description |
Employment History | 37 | 3707 | Contact |
Employers | 38 | 3801 | Address |
Employers | 38 | 3802 | Website |
Employers | 38 | 1026 | Name |
Employers | 38 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Job Order | 39 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Job Order | 39 | 1026 | Name |
Job Order | 39 | 3901 |
Assigned Recruiter
Job Order | 39 | 3902 | Job Title |
Job Order | 39 | 3903 | Company |
Job Order | 39 | 3904 | Start Date |
Job Order | 39 | 3905 | Minimum Salary |
Job Order | 39 | 3906 | Maximum Salary |
Job Order | 39 | 3907 | Job Category |
Job Order | 39 | 3908 |
Job Sub Category
Job Order | 39 | 3909 | Description |
Job Order | 39 | 3910 | Keywords |
Job Order | 39 | 3911 | Status |
Job Order | 39 | 3912 | Job Number |
Job Order | 39 | 3913 | Contact |
Keywords | 40 | 1026 | Name |
Keywords | 40 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Submissions | 41 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Submissions | 41 | 1026 | Name |
Submissions | 41 | 4101 | Candidate |
Submissions | 41 | 4102 | Job Order |
Submissions | 41 | 4103 | Status |
Submissions | 41 | 4104 | Submitted By |
Submissions | 41 | 4105 | Interview Date |
Submissions | 41 | 4106 | Contact |
Submissions | 41 | 4107 | Last Comment |
Submissions | 41 | 4108 | Recruiter |
Projects | 45 | 4501 | Name |
Projects | 45 | 4502 | Description |
Projects | 45 | 4503 | Start Date |
Projects | 45 | 4504 | End Date |
Projects | 45 | 4505 | Highlight Color |
Projects | 45 | 1026 | Name |
Projects | 45 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Projects | 45 | 1211 | Description |
Projects | 45 | 1000591 |
Project Start Date
LinkedIn Locations | 46 | 1021 | LayoutName |
LinkedIn Locations | 46 | 1026 | Name |
Credits | 47 | 1026 | Name |
Credits | 47 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Credits | 47 | 1211 | Notes |
Credits | 47 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
Credits | 47 | 4701 | Bill |
Credits | 47 | 4702 | Amount |
Credits | 47 | 4703 | Date Issued |
Credits | 47 | 4704 | Type |
Credits | 47 | 4705 |
Reference Number
Credits | 47 | 4706 | Account Id |
Credits | 47 | 4707 |
Prepaid Account Id
Credits | 47 | 4853 |
Unapplied Balance
Credits | 47 | 3096 |
Quickbooks Linked Id
Credits | 47 | 3097 |
Quickbooks Linked SyncToken
Credits | 47 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
Credits | 47 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
Credits | 47 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
Credits | 47 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
Credits | 47 | 1000487 | Matter |
Credits | 47 | 4833 | Client |
Credits | 47 | 4832 | Contact |
Credits | 47 | 4851 | Applied Amount |
Credits | 47 | 4852 | Balance |
Payments | 48 | 4852 | Balance |
Payments | 48 | 4851 | Applied Amount |
Payments | 48 | 4832 | Contact |
Payments | 48 | 4833 | Client |
Payments | 48 | 4835 | Transaction |
Payments | 48 | 4836 | Is Trust Deposit |
Payments | 48 | 1000959 | Matter |
Payments | 48 | 3093 |
Quickbooks LastSynced
Payments | 48 | 3092 |
Quickbooks SyncToken
Payments | 48 | 3091 |
Quickbooks RealmId
Payments | 48 | 3090 | Quickbooks Id |
Payments | 48 | 4853 |
Unapplied Balance
Payments | 48 | 4801 | Amount |
Payments | 48 | 4802 | Date Received |
Payments | 48 | 4803 | Type |
Payments | 48 | 4804 |
Reference Number
Payments | 48 | 4805 | Account Id |
Payments | 48 | 4806 |
Prepaid Account Id
Payments | 48 | 4807 | Deposit |
Payments | 48 | 4831 | Date Allocated |
Payments | 48 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
Payments | 48 | 1211 | Notes |
Payments | 48 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Payments | 48 | 1026 | Name |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 1026 | Name |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5001 | Amount |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5002 | Date Distributed |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5004 |
Is Main Distribution
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5005 | Fee Total |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5006 | Expense Total |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5007 | Tax Total |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5008 | Interest Total |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5009 |
Finance Charge Account Id
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5010 |
Sales Tax Liability Account Id
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5030 | Invoice |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 5047 | Credit |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 3399 | Matter |
Credit Distributions | 50 | 3333 | Posted Invoice |
Refunds | 51 | 5101 | Amount |
Refunds | 51 | 5102 | Refund Date |
Refunds | 51 | 5103 | Client |
Refunds | 51 | 5104 | Contact |
Refunds | 51 | 5105 | Type |
Refunds | 51 | 5106 |
Reference Number
Refunds | 51 | 5107 | Account Id |
Refunds | 51 | 5108 | Check |
Refunds | 51 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Refunds | 51 | 1026 | Name |
Refunds | 51 | 1211 | Notes |
Refunds | 51 | 1000489 | Matter |
Refunds | 51 | 6112 | ToBePrinted |
Refund Distributions | 52 | 1026 | Name |
Refund Distributions | 52 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Refund Distributions | 52 | 5201 | Posted Invoice |
Refund Distributions | 52 | 5204 | Amount |
Refund Distributions | 52 | 5251 | Refund |
Refund Distributions | 52 | 5252 | Unallocated Id |
Addresses | 53 | 1026 | Name |
Addresses | 53 | 1211 | Description |
Addresses | 53 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
Addresses | 53 | 1027 | Address 1 |
Addresses | 53 | 1028 | Address 2 |
Addresses | 53 | 1029 | Address3 |
Addresses | 53 | 1030 | City |
Addresses | 53 | 1031 | State |
Addresses | 53 | 1032 | Zip |
Addresses | 53 | 1033 | Country |
Addresses | 53 | 1395 | County |
Vendors | 55 | 1259 | Vendor Email |
Vendors | 55 | 1035 | Phone Number |
Vendors | 55 | 1026 | Name |
Vendors | 55 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Vendors | 55 | 5501 | Balance |
Vendors | 55 | 5502 | Is 1099 Vendor |
Vendors | 55 | 5503 |
Remit to Address
Vendors | 55 | 5504 | zzBill-To Phone |
Vendors | 55 | 5505 |
zzBill-To Contact Name
Vendors | 55 | 5506 |
zzBill-To Company Name
Vendors | 55 | 5507 | EIN |
Vendors | 55 | 1000539 | Terms |
Vendors | 55 | 1000966 | Vendor Contact |
Vendors | 55 | 1000968 | Vendor Number |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1000541 | Vendor Contact |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1000534 | Terms |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1000535 | Due Date |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1000536 |
Remit To Address
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1000537 | Phone |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1000599 | Scan of Bill |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5601 | Bill Number |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5602 | Issue Date |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5603 | Tax Rate |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5610 | Due Date |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5611 | Terms (Days) |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5617 |
Generated Attachment
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5651 | Subtotal |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5652 | Payments |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5653 | Balance |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5654 | Bill Total |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5655 | Vendor |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5656 |
Taxable Item Total
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5657 |
NonTaxable Item Total
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5694 | Template Name |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5695 | Email Message |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 5696 | Tax |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1026 | Name |
Vendor Bills | 56 | 1211 | Description |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 1211 | Notes |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 1026 | Name |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5701 | Amount |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5702 | Date Received |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5703 | Type |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5704 |
Reference Number
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5705 | Account Id |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5731 | Date Allocated |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5751 | Applied Amount |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5752 | Balance |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5755 | Vendor |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 5761 | Check |
Vendor Bill Payments | 57 | 6112 | ToBePrinted |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 5801 | Country |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 5802 | Mask ID |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 1026 | Name |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 1211 | Description |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 1035 | Phone |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 1036 | Value |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
Phone Numbers | 58 | 1080 | Ext |
Vendor Bill Payment Distributions | 60 | 1026 | Name |
Vendor Bill Payment Distributions | 60 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Vendor Bill Payment Distributions | 60 | 6001 | Amount |
Vendor Bill Payment Distributions | 60 | 6002 | Date Distributed |
Vendor Bill Payment Distributions | 60 | 6031 | Date Allocated |
Vendor Bill Payment Distributions | 60 | 6056 | Vendor Bill |
Vendor Bill Payment Distributions | 60 | 6057 |
Vendor Bill Payment
Checks | 61 | 6101 | Amount |
Checks | 61 | 6102 | Check Date |
Checks | 61 | 6103 | Number |
Checks | 61 | 6104 | Account Id |
Checks | 61 | 6105 | Client |
Checks | 61 | 6106 |
Trust Bank Transfer
Checks | 61 | 6108 | Voided |
Checks | 61 | 6109 | Address |
Checks | 61 | 6110 | Refund |
Checks | 61 | 6111 | ShowOnRegister |
Checks | 61 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Checks | 61 | 1026 | Name |
Checks | 61 | 1211 | Memo |
Checks | 61 | 6112 | ToBePrinted |
Checks | 61 | 6135 |
Trust Transaction
Checks | 61 | 6156 | Vendor |
Checks | 61 | 6157 | Bill Payment |
Charts | 63 | 1010 | Alternate Key |
Charts | 63 | 1026 | Name |
Charts | 63 | 1443 | Chart Settings |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1026 | Name |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6901 |
Consolidated Bill Number
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6902 | Issue Date |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6903 | Payments |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6904 | Balance |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6905 | Credits |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6906 | Bill Total |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6907 | Is Posted |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6908 | Client |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6909 |
Last Post Snapshot
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 6910 |
Generated Attachment
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1000900 |
Consolidated Bill Status
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001012 | Sent by |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001013 | Sent Date |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001014 | Approved by |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001015 | Approval Date |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001016 |
Approve/Reject Notes
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001017 | Terms (Days) |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001018 | Due Date |
Consolidated Bills | 69 | 1001021 | Approval Status |
Bank Deposits | 71 | 7101 | Amount |
Bank Deposits | 71 | 7102 | From Account Id |
Bank Deposits | 71 | 7103 | To Account Id |
Bank Deposits | 71 | 7104 | Deposit Date |
Bank Deposits | 71 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Bank Deposits | 71 | 1026 | Name |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 1026 | Name |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7201 | Amount |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7202 | From Account Id |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7203 | To Account Id |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7204 | Transfer Date |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7205 | Bank Account Id |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7206 | Operation |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7207 |
Liability Account Id
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7208 |
Operating Account Id
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7209 |
Reference Number
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7210 | Payment Type |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7261 | Check |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 7271 | Deposit |
Trust Bank Transfers | 72 | 6112 | ToBePrinted |
Call Lists | 100 | 10001 | Recruiter |
Call Lists | 100 | 10002 | Job Order |
Call Lists | 100 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Call Lists | 100 | 1026 | Name |
Call List Members | 101 | 1026 | Name |
Call List Members | 101 | 1021 | LayoutName |
Call List Members | 101 | 10101 | Call List |
Call List Members | 101 | 10102 | Contact |
Call List Members | 101 | 10103 | Status |
Matters | 1001 | 1000013 |
Alternate Address
Matters | 1001 | 1000014 |
Matter Detailed Description
Matters | 1001 | 1000022 | Client |
Matters | 1001 | 1000049 | Matter Status |
Matters | 1001 | 1000087 | Matter # |
Matters | 1001 | 4000 | Key |
Matters | 1001 | 1000399 | Primary Email |
Matters | 1001 | 1000400 | Phone |
Matters | 1001 | 1000429 | Trust Balance |
Matters | 1001 | 1000971 | Fee Discount % |
Matters | 1001 | 1001009 |
Forumula - Total Fees Received
Matters | 1001 | 1001000 |
Matter Short Description
Matters | 1001 | 1000965 | Paralegal |
Matters | 1001 | 1000955 | Last Payment |
Matters | 1001 | 1000985 | Admin |
Matters | 1001 | 1000986 | Other Staff |
Matters | 1001 | 1000987 | Associate |
Matters | 1001 | 1000912 | Referred By |
Matters | 1001 | 1000850 | Last Bill |
Matters | 1001 | 1000852 | Last Slip |
Matters | 1001 | 1000508 | Conflict Check |
Matters | 1001 | 1000558 | Quick Notes |
Matters | 1001 | 1000572 | Custom Text 5 |
Matters | 1001 | 1026 | Matter Name |
Matters | 1001 | 1027 | Billing Partner |
Matters | 1001 | 1047 |
Inherit Client Email Billing Settings
Matters | 1001 | 1048 |
Client Accepts Bill by Email?
Matters | 1001 | 1045 |
Bill to Email Address(s)
Matters | 1001 | 1050 |
Matter Open Date
Matters | 1001 | 1051 |
Matter Close Date
Matters | 1001 | 1052 |
Referral Source Text
Matters | 1001 | 1053 | Referral Type |
Matters | 1001 | 1054 | Practice Area |
Matters | 1001 | 1055 |
Responsible Attorney
Matters | 1001 | 1056 |
Bill To Contact Name
Matters | 1001 | 1057 |
Bill To Company Name
Matters | 1001 | 1058 | Bill To Address |
Matters | 1001 | 1059 | Bill To Phone |
Matters | 1001 | 1060 |
Inherit Bill To Settings From Client
Matters | 1001 | 1070 | Claim Number |
Matters | 1001 | 1071 |
Claim Representative
Matters | 1001 | 1072 | Client Matter Id |
Matters | 1001 | 1073 | Splits Bill |
Matters | 1001 | 1074 |
Billing is Split To?
Matters | 1001 | 1075 |
LawToolBox State Code
Matters | 1001 | 1076 |
LawToolBox ToolSetID
Matters | 1001 | 1077 | Referral Source |
Matters | 1001 | 1083 | Matter Number |
Skills | 1002 | 1026 | Name |
Skills | 1002 | 1000542 | PNC Record |
Skills | 1002 | 1000506 |
Final Conflict Status
Skills | 1002 | 1000493 | Opposing Party |
Skills | 1002 | 1000504 |
Opposing Party Address 1
Skills | 1002 | 1000499 |
WF - Potential Conflicts
Skills | 1002 | 1000500 |
Client First Name
Skills | 1002 | 1000501 |
Client Last Name
Skills | 1002 | 1000911 |
Conflict Search Text
Skills | 1002 | 1000297 |
Opposing Company
Skills | 1002 | 1000250 |
Assigned Attorney
Skills | 1002 | 1000251 | Matter |
Skills | 1002 | 1000252 |
WF - Conflict Status
Skills | 1002 | 1000253 |
WF - Potential Conflicts
Skills | 1002 | 1000254 |
Skills | 1002 | 1000255 | Lead Attorney |
Skills | 1002 | 1000256 |
Matter Description
Skills | 1002 | 1000257 | Date |
Skills | 1002 | 1000258 | Contact |
Skills | 1002 | 1000259 | Company |
Skills | 1002 | 1000275 |
Opposing Counsel
Skills | 1002 | 1000276 | Related Party |
Skills | 1002 | 1000277 | Matter Memo |
Skills | 1002 | 1000279 | Practice Area |
Skills | 1002 | 1000280 | Litigation Date |
Skills | 1002 | 1000281 | Refered by |
Skills | 1002 | 1000282 | Phone |
Skills | 1002 | 1000284 | Matter # |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000378 | Source |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000379 | Status |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000380 | Practice Areas |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000381 | Description |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000382 | Case Codes |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000384 | Mobile Phone |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000385 | Address |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000386 | Email Address |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000387 | Last Update |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000388 | Last Updated By |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000396 | Matter |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000397 | Contact |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000391 | First Name |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000392 | Last Name |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000428 |
Responsible Attorney
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000411 | Blacklist |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000403 |
Initial Consult Appointment Date Start
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000404 |
Initial Consult Appointment Date End
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000462 |
Conflict Text to Search 1
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000463 |
Conflict Text to Search 2
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000906 | Referred by |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000909 | Referred to |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000924 |
Consultation Appt.
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000932 | Activity Name |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000933 | Additional Notes |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000935 | Referral Record |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000937 |
WF - Sent or Received
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000823 | Close Inquiry |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000824 | Conflict Status |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000848 |
WF - Expense Budget
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000631 | Social Sec # |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000632 | Date of Birth |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000637 |
Accept / Reject Reasoning
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000671 | Prefix |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000689 | Comments |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000690 | Approved by |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000691 | Rejected by |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000692 | Middle Name |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000503 |
Conflict Text to Search 3
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000507 | Conflict Check |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000988 | Work Phone |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000989 | Home Phone |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000990 |
Alt Email Address
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000991 |
Conflict Text to Search 4
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000992 |
Conflict Text to Search 5
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000993 |
Conflict Text to Search 6
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000994 |
Conflict Text to Search 7
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000995 |
Conflict Text to Search 8
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000996 |
Conflict Text to Search 9
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000997 |
Conflict Text to Search 10
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000944 |
WF - Consultation Activity Complete
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000946 | User Lookup |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000927 | Group Lookup |
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000928 |
Consultation Start Date & Time
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1000929 |
Consultation End Date & Time
Potential New Clients | 1010 | 1026 | Name |
Document Codes | 1014 | 1026 | Name |
Referrals | 1015 | 1026 | Name |
Referrals | 1015 | 1000958 |
Matter Fees Received
Referrals | 1015 | 1001011 | Referral Date |
Referrals | 1015 | 1000480 | Matter |
Referrals | 1015 | 1000482 | Referal Code |
Referrals | 1015 | 1000939 |
Potential New Client
Referrals | 1015 | 1000940 |
Received Referral
Referrals | 1015 | 1000941 | Sent Referral |
Referrals | 1015 | 1000942 |
WF - Sent/Received
Referrals | 1015 | 1000915 | Referral Partner |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1026 | Name |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001001 | Description |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001002 | Location |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001003 | Budget |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001004 | Address |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001005 | Organizer |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001006 | Date |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001007 | Actual Cost |
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001008 |
Total Fees Generated
Marketing Campaigns | 1021 | 1001010 | Profit or Loss |
1023 | 1000565 | Sender | |
1023 | 1000566 | Matter | |
1023 | 1000567 |
Responsible Attorney
1023 | 1000568 | Document | |
1023 | 1000569 | Description | |
1023 | 1000570 | Reviewed? | |
1023 | 1026 | Name |
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