The Navigation Bar can be changed based on what's relevant to the firm. To make changes to the Navigation Bar, go to the System Settings > Navigation Bar tab.
Each row represents an item in the Navigation Bar. Any row with an arrow next to its name represents a parent tab that can be selected and expanded to display other options.
Please note that if User Profiles are in use, any Record Type marked as "Hidden" will not show up in the Navigation Bar for a User in that Profile.
Making Changes to the Navigation Bar
Existing items in the settings can be clicked and dragged around to be reordered in the Navigation Bar. To make changes to a Navigation Bar option, select the desired row. That will bring up the details about the Navigation Bar item and allow for changes.
To add a new item to the Navigation Bar, select the Add button. To add a new Parent tab (see Billing above for an example), select Add Parent.
There are two options that a Navigation Bar item can be set up as.
An Action Button will take the user to special pages. Examples of Action Button options are:
- GL Budgets
- Memorized Vendor Bill Center
- AR Sweep
- Conflict Check
An Item List is a list of records in the system of a particular Item Type. There, searching, queries, and mass editing can be done.
Examples of Item Pages are:
- Billing Entries
- Users
- Potential New Clients
- Payments
1. User unable to access the Navigation Bar settings
Users must have the Customize Centerbase permission to access the System Settings and make changes to the Navigation Bar settings. The setting is located in the Admin Tool (download available here) under the Admin Tab > Manage Users, and is accessible by selecting a user and going to the Additional Permissions tab. Additionally, the user must be an Admin-level user to be able to access the System Settings.
2. Navigation Bar not Showing Same Items as the Navigation Bar settings
This issue can be caused by two things. One option that can cause this is if the user doesn't have the appropriate security permissions to view the Item Type. Having "Hidden" for the record security of an Item Type will not show that Item Type in the Navigation Bar.
The other option that can cause this is if there's a special character in the Section name. This includes characters listed below among others:
- /
- ;
- ,
- ?
- &
To resolve this, go into the System Settings > Navigation Bar, select the pencil icon next to the row with the character, and remove the character from the name.
Please contact Centerbase Support if there are any questions or issues.
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