You can get to the “Print Checks” page three ways. By going to Accounting home and clicking on “Print Checks” either under “Vendors” or under “Actions”. You can also add it to your Navigation Bar as an Action Button: Checks.
- Select the account that you want to print checks from.
- Confirm the First Check Number and Check Format.
- Select the checks that you want to print.
- Press Preview and Print, this will take you to a Chrome print page where you can print your checks.
- When you come back to the Centerbase there will be a pop-up box asking you if the checks printed correctly or not. Selecting yes will remove those checks from the table on this page, selecting no will leave the checks on this page so you can reprint them.
General Overview of the Page
- Check Setup Tab: This tab will allow you to modify the margins on the checks and change the style to Voucher, Standard or Advanced. See Changing Check Margins for more info on this tab
The advc
- Write Check Button: This will take you to the Write Check Screen, see above for more info on that screen.
- Account: This drop-down menu selects which account the checks are paying from, only accounts that have written checks will display here. The table will filter based on your selection. You can on print checks from one account at a time.
- Account Balance: The current account balance for the selected account.
- Selected Amount (X Checks): The Sum amount of the selected checks for easy comparison to the account balance. This also shows the number of checks
- First Check Number: The check number on the first check that you will print. This number auto increments as you print but can be changed in case a check gets damaged or a new box of checks starts at a different number than the last box ended.
- Check Format: Pick between standard, voucher or advanced style checks. Voucher style has three checks per page format. Advanced will pull in the bank and routing number defined in the bank account settings.
- Date: Filter by what date is on the check.
- Display: This filter has four options: All, Bill Payments, Checks (This includes Type: Payment), and Trust Bank Transfers.
- Preview and Print button: Once you have selected the checks that you want to print press this button to open the chrome print page print your checks. After you close that page Centerbase will ask you if the checks printed correctly and can be marked as printed.
- Select All: Check this box to select all or unselect all checks in this list.
- Select Check: Check this box to select/unselect this check to be printed.
- Pencil Icon (Edit): Opens the related page or dialog that wrote the check.
- Trash Can Icon (Delete): This will remove the check from this page. It does not delete the check or payment, discernment, etc. that wrote the check.
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