Writing Off AR Balances and Crediting Clients/Matters/Bills
Use the apply credit dialog on a client record, a bill or a matter to reduce the amount owed by a client. Applying a credit allows you to reduce a client's AR balance, and allocate the write off as you desire.
- Select Apply Credit from Matter Actions on client, matter or bill
- Enter the amount of the credit, and type in a type (for reporting purposes and to show on bill or statement. Both the Type and Ref Number show on the client bill/statement)
- Next Steps:
- Optionally select a bill to apply the credit to. If you do not select a bill or matter, the credit will be left available on the client to use for any matter or bill for that client.
- You may manually allocate the credit to timekeepers or expense on a bill using the Edit button in the allocation column on the bills grid.
- Save and close the credit to complete the transaction.
Credits will not affect fees received, P&L, etc. as they simply reduce the client AR balance for the Client and Matter. Credits will be posted and show on the next bill generated for the client.
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