The AR Sweep feature is a convenient page to view the outstanding balance and available funds of Matters and pay off multiple bills at once. It is a page with filters and a customizable grid that can be used to view and manage various information about Matters, including Outstanding Balance and Available Funds.
To Access AR Sweep, create a new Navigation Bar item in the System Settings as Action Button “AR Sweep” under “Billing Pages”
*Note - Auto-apply from trust must be turned on to have Matters populate in the grid. That can be done at the System, Client or Matter level under the Billing settings.
By default, the AR Sweep Grid will display its information in the column layout shown below. This grid can be customized in System Settings -> Config File Edit -> AR Sweep Grid Settings.
The actions available for each matter are as shown below.
- Note that these actions are also available when “right clicking” on the custom context menu.
- The option “Apply Funds” will open a dialog similar to the Post Bill Dialog that allows you to view how funds will be auto-applied, or customize how the funds are applied.
- The “Apply Funds” option will be available when multiple Matters are selected in the Grid, but no other options will be.
- Clicking the “AR Sweep” button in the top-right of the page will effectively do the same thing as the “Apply Funds” option, but if there are no Matters selected, then it will function as if ALL Matters are selected.
- When Applying Funds to only one Matter, the dialog will allow you to customize the amounts applied from each account, if you don’t want to just use the default auto-apply settings (Note: These use the same settings as those for auto-apply on Posting a Bill)
- You can also set the Payment Date and Payment Description that will be used for the Payments generated from applying these funds, as well as specify how these funds will be applied to Bills: either from Oldest Bill to Newest Bill, or from Newest to Oldest.
- When applying funds to multiple Matters at once, the dialog will no longer allow you to customize the amounts applied from each account; the default auto-apply settings will be used for each individual Matter.
- When applying funds to multiple Matters at once, the dialog will no longer allow you to customize the amounts applied from each account; the default auto-apply settings will be used for each individual Matter.
- When Applying Funds to only one Matter, the dialog will allow you to customize the amounts applied from each account, if you don’t want to just use the default auto-apply settings (Note: These use the same settings as those for auto-apply on Posting a Bill)
- To start the process of applying funds to the specified Matter(s), simply click the “Apply” button on the dialog.
- The filters available for the grid are as shown below:
- As of Date: this filter changes what amounts are shown in the “Balance Due” and “Available Funds” columns. For “Balance Due”, it will only include the outstanding balances of Bills that were posted before or on the “As of Date”. For “Available Funds” it will only include the funds that were available as of the specified date, and are still available.
- Client: Only the Matters with the selected Client will be displayed in the grid.
- Matter: Only the selected Matter will be displayed in the grid.
- Accounts: this filter changes what amount is shown in the “Available Funds” column. If this filter is specified, only funds available from one of the specified accounts will be included in “Available Funds”.
- Has Balance: By default, the grid will only display Matters that have both a Balance Due, and Available Funds. This filter can be changed to include Matters that have Available Funds, but do not have a Balance Due.
- An important thing to know about the filters is that the filters also impact the Balance Due and Available Funds as shown on the Apply Funds dialog; you can only pay off invoices that were posted before or on the specified “As of Date”, and you can only apply funds from accounts specified in the “Accounts” filter that were available before or on the “As of Date”.
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