Calendar filtering helps you create customized calendar views tailored to your needs. This guide will walk you through how to use, create, and manage filters effectively.
Adjust the Calendar View
- Use the View dropdown to switch between Day, Week, or Month time periods. You can also toggle between Users, Units, and Tasks views.
- Open the Filters dropdown to activate a filter. Your selection is saved automatically, so it remains active when you return to the calendar.
- Click the pencil icon near Filters to create or update a filter.
- Use the More Filters button or the arrow button on the left to access additional filter options.
Clicking on the pencil icon next to the filters will open a window customize or add new filters.
- Use the dropdown to change between Existing Filters that you want to customize.
- If creating a new filter, leave the Existing Filters dropdown on New Filter.
- You must give the filter a name other than “New Filter”
- This is the name that is displayed in the “Filters” dropdown above the calendar:
- View Type, i.e. security level of the filter
- “Private” means only you can view and alter the filter.
- “Protected” means anyone can view the filter but only you can edit and delete it.
- “Public” means anyone can edit and delete the filter.
- Match
- If you choose “any”, an activity will display in the calendar if any of its “Scheduled For” items matches the items in the filter.
- In other words, in the picture above that chose “Any”, the calendar will show activities that have at least one of those items, “721 Pacific Avenue” matter or “Admin” user, scheduled
- “All” means that an activity will only display in the calendar if its “Scheduled For” items include all of the items in the filter.
- In other words, if the picture above had chosen “All”, the calendar would display activities that have the “721 Pacific Avenue” matter and “Admin” user scheduled.
- Notes about Contacts:
- If you choose a Contact (aka Client) to put in the filter, it is synonymous with saying the filter is an “Any” match for the Contact’s matters. Activities where any matter of the contact is scheduled will be returned in the filter.
- The filter will also grab activities where the Contact is itself scheduled for the activity
- Include Group Members
- This field is only important if you have a Group in the filter.
- For example, say you have the Associates group selected as a filter condition
- If this field is checked, the filter will display activities where the Group itself is scheduled, and it will display activities where individual members of the Group are scheduled
- If this field is not checked, the filter will only display activities where the Group is explicitly scheduled.
- Record Type and Item lookup
- Record Type is simply a dropdown to change the type of item you can then add as a filter condition
- You can hit the “X” on any filter condition to remove it
- The “Save & Apply” button will save and close the dialog and immediately filter the calendar
- The “Save Only” button will save the filter info and keep the dialog up, which makes it easier to edit multiple filters at one time.
- Edit existing filter:
- If you choose “any”, an activity will display in the calendar if any of its “Scheduled For” items matches the items in the filter.
- You can use the “Existing Filters” dropdown to choose any filter you have access to edit (which includes any filter you’ve created and all “Public” filters)
- The “Duplicate” button will prepare a new filter with the data from the chosen existing filter
- The “Delete” button will delete the existing filter. You will be asked for confirmation before going ahead with the deletion.
- The “New” button will prepare the form for a new filter
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