Memorizing a Vendor Bill
In order to memorize a vendor bill you first need to have a vendor bill made. You can make a new vendor bill for this or use an existing one in your system. Once you have the vendor bill saved click on the Vendor Bill Actions button and select Memorize Vendor Bill.
Note: In order to be able to memorize a vendor bill none of the line items on the vendor bill can be linked to a matter.
A dialog box will open asking you for information about the template and if you want to set up automatic reminders.
- Template Name*: The name that will identify this template in the Memorized Vendor Bill Center. You can change this later. Each template must have a unique name.
- Initial Generation Date*: This will be the date for the first vendor bill that will be generated by this template. So if the vendor bill that you are memorizing is this month's bill then set this for the issue date of next month's vendor bill. You will not be able to change this later.
- Generation Period: This will determine the time between vendor bills. Enter an Integer and a time frame, Day(s), Week(s), Month(s), Quarter(s), Year(s).
- Reminder Enabled: Whether or not to have a popup reminder for this template.
- Reminder For: Who will receive the reminder, you can add multiple people to this field. The field looks up active Users in the system.
- Remind Me __ Before Generation Date: This sets when the reminders will popup. The options for time periods are Minute(s), Hour(s), Day(s), and Week(s). Vendor bills are considered to have a start time of midnight on the next generation date. So, 12 hours before would give a reminder at noon on the day before the vendor bill’s issue date.
Press Save and you have memorized the vendor bill. If there are line items linked to matters or if another template already has the name you chose you will get a warning message. Make the appropriate changes and try saving again.
Setting up the Memorized Vendor Bill Center
If you do not already have the Memorized Vendor Bill Center on your Navigation bar, (likely under Accounts Payable), then you will need to add it. Go to, or have an admin go to, System Settings > Navigation Bar and expand the Accounts Payable section and press the plus button on that row to add a new item. The default name is "Memorized Vendor Bill Center" and it is an action button.
Return to the main page and remember to refresh your page by pressing Ctrl ALT+ F5 after making the changes to your settings. Once you set this up you will be able to find the Memorized Vendor Bill Center under Accounts Payable.
Memorized Vendor Bill Center
From the Memorized Vendor Bill Center you create a new vendor bill from a memorized template as well as view, edit, deactivate, and delete your memorized templates. On this page, you have a search bar to search by template name or vendor. Each row has 7 columns:
- Template Name: The name of the template
- Vendor: The name of the vendor that the template is for.
- Upcoming Generation Date: The Issue Date for the next vendor bill to be generated by this template.
- Recurring: The period that this template repeats over.
- Last Generated: The creation date of the last vendor bill generated from this template. This is not the issue date of the last vendor bill generated.
- Active Status: Active or Inactive. You can deactivate templates to prevent them from being used.
- Action: These are your action buttons for these templates.
- Create From Template: This will create a new vendor bill from the memorized data of the original vendor bill. after pressing this button wait a few seconds and you will be taken to the new vendor bill. Vendor bills made using this button are opened in edit mode so you can immediately make any adjustments that are needed.
- Edit Template Info: This will open a dialog similar to the original save dialog for the template but without the initial issue date field. This allows you to edit the name, generation period, and reminder settings.
- Deactivate: This will deactivate the template and change the list of actions for this template to remove "Create From Template" and change Deactivate to Activate.
- Delete Vendor Bill Template: Deletes the template.
Generating a Vendor Bill From a Template
There are two ways to generate a vendor bill from a saved template. You can Navigate to the Memorized Vendor Bill Center and generate a vendor bill from there at any time or you generate a vendor bill from its reminder when it pops up. In either case once you have generated the next vendor bill the system will move any reminders to be before the next vendor bill.
From the Memorized Vendor Bill Center
To create a vendor bill simply press the Create From Template button for the template that you want. This will generate a new vendor bill with the same information as the original and take you to the new vendor bill in edit view. Because it copies everything the new vendor bill will have the same vendor bill number as the original until you change it. It will not copy over attached documents.
From a Popup Reminder
If you set a reminder for the vendor bill template then at the appointed time you will get a popup reminder giving the name of the template, the date for the next vendor bill, and “Generate” button.
If you press the generate button the reminder will be removed and the vendor bill will be generated behind the popup. This works much like creating a vendor bill from the memorized vendor center except that the new vendor bill will open in view mode so you have the option to continue working through your popup reminders.
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