NOTE: This feature has not yet been widely released
With this utility you can import:
- Rate Table Definitions
- Set Rate Tables on Matters and/or Clients
- Set Rate Exceptions on Matters and/or Clients
You simply create a CSV file with a standard set of column headers, upload it to the utility, and let it run.
The Valid Headers are RateTableName, ImportID, UserName, GroupName, Rate, EffectiveDate. There must not be any duplicate column headers, but it is case-insensitive. There can be other headers in the file, so long as the necessary columns are present.
The utility will automatically detect which type of rate import is being done based on the columns in the CSV file. If an invalid file is uploaded, a validation error will be shown and you'll need to upload a new file
For a Rate Table Definition import you must have RateTableName, UserName and/or GroupName, Rate, and EffectiveDate (though EffectiveDate can be blank). You must NOT have an ImportID column.
For setting Rate Tables on Matters/Clients you must have ImportID and RateTableName.
For setting Rate Exceptions on Matters/Clients you must have ImportID, UserName and/or GroupName, Rate, and EffectiveDate (though EffectiveDate can be blank). You must NOT have a RateTableName column.
Once a valid file is uploaded, press the Start button to begin the import.
If importing Rate Tables on Matters/Clients or Rate Exceptions on Matters/Clients, you will be prompted whether the ImportID is for Matters or Clients and what Centerbase field on the Matter/Client has the import ID in it. That is how it will find the appropriate client or matter to set the rate table/exceptions on.
Upon completion of the import, a report will be shown detailing the changes made or any actions that could not be taken because of invalid or duplicate data
This is an Excel Spreadsheet with three worksheets detailing the columns needed for each type of import
Valid File Example
Import Final Report
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