This article will detail the meaning of each User Security Permission in the Web Version of Centerbase.
Please reference How to Manage User Security Permissions in the Web to learn how to access the User Permissions page.
Permission Definitions
Can Manage Billing
- Provides access to Generate Bills, PreBills and Posted Bills page.
- Grants permission to generate bills, edit bills and post bills.
- Provides access to the Matter Ledger and Matter Dashboard.
- Provides access to the view and edit Billing and Trust settings on a contact & matter (must have Customize Centerbase access to edit default settings in the System Settings).
- Provides access to all reports in the Report Center (excluding Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss Report and General Ledger Report).
Manage Split Billing
- Provides access to view and edit Split Billing settings on a matter level (must have Customize Centerbase access to edit default settings in the System Settings).
Show Matter Dashboard
- Provides access to view the Status, Fee WIP, Fees Collected, Matter Balance and Trust Balance dashboard tiles located on a matter. To view the Fee WIP, Fees Collected, Matter Blanace and Trust Balance data.
Manage Rates
- Provides access to view and edit the Rate Table settings on a contact or matter (must have "Customize Centerbase" permissions to edit default settings in the System Settings.)
Client Center
- Provides access to the Client Center Homepage.
Manage Originators
- Provides access to view and edit origination settings on the matter (must have Customize Centerbase access to edit default settings in the System Settings.)
Access General Accounting Functions
- Provides access to the Accounting Homepage, Checks list, Vendor list, Vendor Bills Payments list, and Bank Deposits list.
- Provides access to create new vendors, vendor bills and vendor bill payments.
General Ledger Report
- Provides access to run the General Ledger Report.
Modify Client and Vendor Account Settings
- Provides access to edit Accounting settings on a client, matter or vendor record. A user must also have "Access General Accounting Functions" permission for this settings to work properly.
Make Transfers To/From Trust
- Provides access to make trust transfers and access the Trust Transfers list.
Make Deposits
- Provides access to make Bank Deposits in Centerbase. Users can view Bank Deposits list with the "Access General Accounting Functions" permission.
Manage Checks
- Provides access to view individual checks, create new checks, edit checks or print checks in Centerbase. Users can view the Checklist with the Access General Accounting Functions permission enabled but will not be able to view the individual checks.
Aged Accounts Payable Report
- Provides access to run the Aged Accounts Payable Report.
Manage Journal Entries
- Provides access to view the Journal Entry List and make Journal Entries.
Balance Sheet
- Provides access to view the Balance Sheet.
Vendor Center
- Provides access to the Vendor Center.
Profit & Loss Report
- Provides access to run the Profit & Loss Report.
Manage Billing Codes
- Provides access to view and edit billing codes.
Chart of Accounts
- Provides access to view the Chart of Accounts.
Can Manage Banking
- Provides access to view the Bank Deposits, Checks, Trust Transactions and Trust Bank Transfer lists.
- Provides access to view individual Trust Transactions.
- Does not allow you to view individual checks, bank deposits or trust bank transfers.
- Does not allow you to print checks.
Online Banking
- Provides access to the Online Banking section of Centerbase. Online banking can be started as a 30-day trial in your System Settings. To use Online Banking beyond the 30-day trial, a firm must contact their Centerbase Sales Representative to purchase licenses.
Access to LawToolBox
- Provides access to use the LawToolBox integration. LawToolBox is a separate subscription and must be purchased before the integration is enabled for a firm.
Access to System Utilities
- Access to the System Utilities section of System Settings. The System Utilities section of System settings includes powerful settings that alter all records at once. These permissions should only be granted to expert level Centerbase users.
Can Set System Defaults
- This setting is being deprecated and removed from future versions.
Set System Default Dashboard Tiles
- Provides access to create and edit the firm-wide dashboard tiles displayed on the Centerbase Dashboard. Learn more about Dashboard Tiles.
Set System Default Chart Layout
- Provides access to determine which charts show up on users' dashboards who have not customized their layout.
Set System Default For Item Details Related Tabs
- Provides access to set the system default tabs for any user who has not customized their tabs on a record type such as matters, contacts or bills. Learn more about Related Tabs.
Set System Default Grid Settings
- Provides access to set the system default column layouts for any user who has not customized their column grid setting on a record list such as matters, contacts or bills. Learn more about Grid Column Settings.
Show All Timekeepers On Time Entries Report
- The Time Entries Report is the only report users can access without "Manage Billing" permissions. Enabling the "Show All Timekeepers On Time Entries Report" permission allows a user to see everyone's time entries in the Time Entries Report. Without this permission, a user can only report on their own time entries.
Show Amount Totals
- Allows the user to see billing entry total and billable value. This overrides the broader setting “Hide Rate Totals”.
Has Timekeeper Approval on Pre-Bills With Their Time
- Gives user special approval for prebills that they are a timekeeper on at least one entry but are not part of the approval workflow.
Edit Rate on Pre-Bills
- User is able to edit rates using the prebill approval editor.
Post Un-Approved Pre-Bills
- User can post bills even if they have not been final approved or been approved by special timekeepers with Timekeeper Approval.
Post Bills with Unapproved Time
- User can post bills with unapproved time entries.
Generate Bills with Unapproved Time
- User can generate bills for matters with unapproved time entries.
Show All Timekeepers on Time Entries Approval
- User has the ability to view other timekeeper entries on Time Entry Approval page.
Access Client Portal Settings
- User can access and view Client Portal settings on the matter and in system settings.
Can Share Items With Client Portal
- User has permission to share items (such as Documents, Bills, and Activities) to the Client Portal.
Modify Client Portal Settings
- User has permission to edit Client Portal settings on the matter and in system settings
Can View All Secure Chats
- User can view secure chats even if they are not a member of that chat.
Can View Others Billable Events
- User can view other timekeeper’s billable events on the Billable Event Dashboard.
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