As a Centerbase Admin, you are able to modify the number settings for matters and clients. In this article, we will walk you through how these numbers are displayed and how to modify these numbers by setting custom increments, integers, and other variables.
Viewing Matter and Client Numbers
When viewing matters, the number will appear by the name of the matters, as well as in its own column, as shown below:
You may view client numbers by opening an individual client assigned to a matter. When clicking on the client, you will see a separate window appear. The client number should appear in this window, as pictured below:
Modifying the Settings for Client and Matter Numbering
To adjust the numbering of your clients and matters, go to System Settings > Matters and Clients. You will see the screen displayed below.
Client and Matter - Fields to Populate
First, you will see that you can set the fields that populate under each field name. There are four fields you may modify, each with a drop-down list for you to choose from. While the default settings will set the fields to output their respective values, you may customize these fields with an option from the drop-down list.
For instance, by default, your "Client Number" field will display the client number. However, you may change the client number field to display any of the options in the drop-down window, as shown below.
For example, if you chose "Bill to Address" in this field, this is what would appear on your Matters section under "Client Number."
Client Numbering Settings
To edit your Client Numbering settings, navigate to the section shown in the screenshot below.
Below is an explanation of each setting you can change for the Client Numbering Settings.
Autoincrement Enabled
- "Disabled" turns the autoincrement off. Users will have to manually add client numbers to newly generated clients.
- "Clients Only" turns the autoincrement on. When "Clients Only" is selected, only clients will be assigned an auto-incremented number. This number will be stored in the field set in Client Number Field Settings.
- "All Contacts" turns autoincrement on. When "All Contacts" is selected, all contacts, regardless of whether or not they are clients, will be affected.
Number of Digits
- The integer supplied will control the length of the client number. Client number will be stored with leading zeros to match the specific length here. In the case that the generated number will be longer than the length of the number specified, the generated number will store as-is, regardless of length.
- For example, the most recently generated client was 9999 and length is set to 4. The next client number will be stored as 10000, despite it being 5 characters long.
Next Number To Use
- The integer supplied will determine the next client number’s value.
Increment By
- This controls the distance between auto-incremented client numbers.
- For example, if an increment of 10 is specified, client numbers will be created with a difference of 10. (e.g. 0100, 0110, 0120, etc.)
Matter Numbering Settings
To edit your Matter Numbering settings, navigate to the section shown in the screenshot below.
Below is an explanation of each setting you can change for the Client Numbering Settings.
Client and Matter Separator
- This field is used when storing the character that you'd like to use to separate the client and matter numbers from the increment. For instance, a period is used in the screenshot above. If a dash was used (/), the number would appear as 0001/0001 instead.
Autoincrement Enabled
- "Disabled" turns off autoincrement on matters. Users will manually add the matter numbers to newly generated matters.
- "Client-based" enables autonumbering settings for matters. If this setting is selected, every client’s matter numbering will start at the specified number in the "Start numbering at" setting.
- "Global Incremental" enables autonumbering settings for matters. If this setting is selected, matter numbering will be independent of the client and will increment based on the total number of matters in the system.
Depending on which option you select, you will have different fields to edit. However, these fields will deliver the same results. The only difference is that if you select "Client-based," the second field will display as "Start Matter Sequence Numbers At." If you select "Global Incremental, it will be alternatively named "Next Number to Use."
Number of Digits
- The integer supplied will control the length of the client number. Client number will be stored with leading zeros to match the specific length here. In the case that the generated number will be longer than the length of the number specified, the generated number will store as-is, regardless of length.
- For example, the most recently generated client was 9999 and length is set to 4. The next client number will be stored as 10000, despite it being 5 characters long.
Start Matter Sequence Numbers At/Next Number to Use
Depending on which option you select, you will have different fields to edit.
- When using the "Client-based" setting this integer will determine the initial matter number and stay fixed.
- When using the "Global Incremental" setting this integer will determine all matter numbers.
Increment By
- This controls the distance between auto-incremented matter numbers.
- For example, if an increment of 10 is specified, matter numbers will be created with a difference of 10. (e.g. 0100, 0110, 0120, etc.)
Selecting "Global Incremental" will display the following fields:
Resultant Matter Number
- This displays how the matter number will be shown with the settings you have selected.
Please note:
- If the Client Number or Matter Sequence number is blank at the time of import, the next time the Matter is updated, the Auto-numbering will input a sequence number and this will trigger the system to overwrite the matter number with the new sequence number data.
- To avoid this, make sure that the Matter Number, the Client Number and the Matter Sequence Number are all filled in at the time of import.
Want to manually change an individual Matter Number? Read our guide here.
This concludes our article on Matter and Client Numbering. If you have any questions, please reach out to support@centerbase.com and we'll be happy to assist you.
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