From time to time, Centerbase releases new, useful reports. We have created this topic to allow you to download and install these reports into your own Centerbase database.
Click the links below to download the XML report definitions, and then add them to your system by following the instructions in the KB
'Importing and Exporting Reports'
NOTE: All individual reports have their own links which appear at the bottom of this article.
Activities Missing Reminders
Shows activities without reminders for selected users and date range. Defaults to current user.
Tasks and Activities with Reminders
Filterable report to Tasks and Activities with Reminders.
Billable Hours Report
Quick report to show billable hours by timekeeper for a given date range. Includes billable hours, non-billable hours and total value by timekeeper.
Rates: Actual vs Expected
Shows Billing Entries where the Billable Rate is different from the expected from settings. Usually shows manual changes to a entries rate, but can help find other issues.
Aged WIP by Matter
Shows un-billed hours, fees and costs by matter over a user definable aging schedule.
Billing Projection Report
Shows comprehensive financial client and matter statistics regarding amounts to be billed, billing history and balances.
Check Reconciliation Status
Check report to show un-reconciled or reconciled checks by account.
Comparative P&L
Shows a summary of your Income and Expenses by account for both this month and this month last year. It will give you the overall change and % of change as well.
Project and Subscription Fee Allocations
Shows the actual and potential allocations for subscription and project fee arrangement matters for effective date and payment date ranges.
Laffey Matrix Actual vs Allowed
Displays matrix of hourly rates for timekeepers of varying experience levels compared to rates issued by the USAO for the District of Columbia. Laffey rates must be entered in settings.
Accounting Reports
*Please note that you must have the Centerbase Integrated Accounting Package to access and use the Accounting Reports.
1099 MISC Report
Report used to provide totals by box number for 1099-MISC vendors. Can be used to upload to 1099 services.
1099 NEC Report
Report used to provide totals by box number for 1099-NEC vendors. Can be used to upload to 1099 services.
General Ledger
Accounting General Ledger Report. Can be added to databases that are at current level, and don't yet have this available in the Accounting section.
Trial Balance
Accounting Trial Balance Report. Can be added to databases that are at current level, and don't yet have this available in the Accounting section.
Check Report
List of all checks written for a time range, then sorted by date descending.
Accounts Payable
List of vendor payables broken into columns based on aging date.
Aged AP with Details
Shows vendor balance as of a date
Billing Reports
Rates by Matter
Shows all timekeeper rates for all matters. Filters to select client, timekeeper, matter, rate schedule effective date and type of rate to view. Groups by matter.
Rates by Originator
Shows all timekeeper rates for all matters. Filters to select originator, client, timekeeper, matter, rate schedule effective date and type of rate to view. Groups by Originator and Matter.
Expense Report By Billing Code
Expenses entered, billed or collected. Grouped by expense billing code. Filter by matter or client, or date of expense entry.
Client Snapshot grouped by Originator
Comprehensive client snapshot grouped by assigned originator filterable by date and posting status. Current and year-to-date numbers for un-billed fees and expenses, fees billed and received, write offs and discounts, mark ups/down, and balance due.
Client Snapshot
Comprehensive client snapshot filterable by date and posting status. Current and year-to-date numbers for un-billed fees and expenses, fees billed and received, write offs and discounts, mark ups/down, and balance due.
Fees Billed By Originator
Billed and NET Fees Grouped and subtotaled by Originator. Sub-totals by Timekeeper for billable hours, total fees, fees billed, discounts and credits and NET FEES billed. The date range specified is for the BILL issue date (not the billing entry date).
Fees Billed By Timekeeper
Billed and NET Fees by Timekeeper for showing billable hours, total fees, fees billed, discounts and credits and NET FEES billed. The date range specified is for the BILL issue date (not the billing entry date).
Matter Snapshot
Comprehensive matter snapshot filterable by date and posting status. Current and year-to-date numbers for un-billed fees and expenses, fees billed and received, write offs and discounts, mark ups/down, and balance due.
Expense Report by Matter
Expenses grouped by matter. Filters to show billed, collected, or entered. Filter by matter or client, or date of expense entry.
Matter Metrics Report
Actual versus Budget for all matters or all users. Filter by Client, Matter, Responsible Attorney, and Has/Does not Have a budget. This report works with the New Matter Metrics Feature.
Aged AR by Responsible Attorney Summary Report
This report lists all Responsible Attorneys in a column on the left and consolidates the balance of all outstanding invoices for all clients and matters into each aging column. Total Fees, Total Expenses, Total Discounts, and Other (tax and interest) for all Responsible Attorneys on the report as of the given date are displayed at the bottom. The total balance of AR for each Responsible Attorney is also provided.
Payment Reports
Credits Applied by Matter
Shows credits applied grouped by matter showing breakdown between both fees and expenses. Filter for date range.
Credits Applied by Timekeeper Details
Shows fees allocations received for timekeepers including payment date, client, matter, billing code, and allocation method. Filters for date range, matter, client, and payment type.
Line of Credit Report
Centerbase's Line of Credit Report helps improve users' billing processes. Users can calculate interest against Hard Cost Expenses for a matter.
Payments by Matter Detail
Shows detail of all payments received by matter with breakdown between fees and expenses. Filter for date range, matter.
Payments by Matter Summary
Shows summary of all payments received by matter with breakdown between fees and expenses. Filter for date range, matter.
Payments Received by Timekeeper Details
Shows fees allocations received for timekeepers including payment date, client, matter, billing code, and allocation method. Filters for date range, matter, client, and payment type.
Payments Received by Timekeeper Summary
Shows fees allocations received for timekeepers in summary mode, one row per timekeeper. Filters for date range, matter, client, and payment type.
Unallocated Payments Report by Client
List of payments with unapplied balances listed by client. Payments as opposed to payment distributions do not track the matter they have been applied to as a payment may be used for multiple matters.
WIP / AR / Trust Balance Report
This report provides details on matter open balances and trust balances to determine what clients have funds available to cover open WIP and AR balances. The Responsible Attorney field must be configured in the 'Advanced Billing' settings for this report to specify the field on the matter for Responsible Attorney.
Timekeeping Reports
Hours by Timekeeper This Year Details
Total Hours by timekeeper. Limited to current year only based on report query. Filter to specify date range within current year. Full record details for all time entries
Hours by Timekeeper This Year Summary
Total Hours by timekeeper. Limited to current year only based on report query. Filter to specify date range within current year.
Timekeeper Missing Time vs Goal
Shows working days where timekeeper did not meet their specified time for that day. Shown on a weekly basis. Requires setting goal field in report additional configuration settings area and for each timekeeper. NOTE: Max date range 18 months.
Missing Time Entry Report
Shows timekeepers and the dates where said timekeeper did not enter in any time, shown on a weekly basis.
Time by Day Last Month
Summary timekeeper activity last month. Shows daily total billable and non billable hours by timekeeper for the previous month.
Time by Day This Month
Summary timekeeper activity this month. Shows daily total billable and non billable hours by timekeeper for the current month.
Write Up/Write Down
Write ups/downs, discounts, write offs, fee credits.
Compensation Reports
Origination and Production Compensation Report
This new report is easier to use and provides more information than the previous Production and Origination report and the Fees Received. This report shows payments and the compensation due to Partners based on your origination settings on the matter. It is a custom report that can be modified by changing or hiding columns, grouping and subtotaling as you wish.
1 comment
I downloaded and imported the AR reports by Responsible attorney. They appeared to be properly working last month, and now they do not work as coded in this thread. I tried re-importing and the result is still the same. I haven't changed any of my fields in admin since then. Anyone else experiencing the same issue???
I have been using these instead of the advanced reports AR aging because the advance reports AR aging does not do an accurate historic date look back. It only gives you the invoices that are open today as aged based on the date you give it. The system reports Aged AR however DOES appear to appropriately show all invoices that were open at the date you set your report to be AND properly ages them all.
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