Centerbase has the ability to set permissions on Bank Accounts so admins may control which users have access to managing Checks, making Deposits, issuing Refunds, making Bank Transfers, viewing the Account Register, and viewing the Account Balance.
Security settings will only affect accounts where type is 'Bank'. Other accounts like Expense or Trust have
To begin using the Bank Account Security feature, Manage Bank Account Security must be enabled for the user:
Clicking on the settings gear and select System Settings.
Near the bottom left of the options in the System Settings page is a tab for User Information. Clicking on the User List option will bring up a list of all the active users for the company.
Clicking on a user in that list will lead to a Manage Users page. Click on the Permissions tab at the top of this page.
About half way down this list of user permissions, there is a new option for “Can Manage Bank Account Security”. Enabling this option for the user will show new options on the Chart of Accounts page, that will allow that user to control the permissions of other users for different bank accounts.
Any user that has “Can Manage Bank Account Security” enabled will see a new Lock icon on the Chart of Accounts page for that companies Bank Accounts. Clicking on this lock will open a Bank Account Security Settings dialog to control what actions other user can take.
These options will be saved in the database and retrieved when any user takes these actions to make sure they are allowed to do so. For example, the settings above have See Balance disabled for Everyone. Clicking on the Show Balance button in the Chart of Accounts will show Access Denied for the TestAccount Bank used in this example. Other accounts will still display properly if they have access.
This feature includes the use of Groups. If the user or any one the Groups they belong to has permission to See Balance, then the user would be allowed to See Balance. (As demonstrated below, there are both users and the groups defined in the admin tool available to select from.)
List of Permissions Effects
Each Settings only affects that Bank Account. If a User does not have permission to Manage Checks for Bank A, they will still have access to the Write Checks screen as they may have Manage Checks for a different Bank Account.
Multiple permissions may have an effect on the same page or action. For example, if a user has permission to Manage Checks, but not View Balance, the Print Checks page will still allow them to Print Checks, but the Balance displayed on that page will still be hidden from the user.
Make sure user and group permissions are set accordingly based on this information.
Manage Checks – all these actions are prevented.
⦁ Write, Print, Void, and Remove Checks
⦁ Mass Edit, Mass Delete, Mass make Unactive for Checks
Make Deposits – all these actions are prevented.
⦁ Make and Delete Deposits
⦁ Mass Edit, Mass Delete, Mass make Unactive for Deposits
Issue Refunds – all these actions are prevented.
⦁ Make and Delete Refunds
⦁ Mass Edit, Mass Delete, Mass make Unactive for Refunds
Make Trust Bank Transfers – all these actions are prevented.
⦁ Make and Delete Refunds
⦁ Mass Edit, Mass Delete, Mass make Unactive for Trust Bank Transfers
Access Account Register
⦁ Account Register – Access Denied
⦁ General Ledger Report – Rows are only shown for accounts the User has access to.
See Balance – User should not be able to see the Balance on any of the pages while still being able to access them.
⦁ Write Check, Refund
⦁ Print Checks
⦁ Chart of Accounts Page
⦁ Account Register page
⦁ Balance Sheet Report – Only shows Bank Accounts the User has Permissions for.
⦁ Trial Balance Report – Only shows Bank Accounts the User has Permissions for.
⦁ General Ledger Report – Only shows Bank Accounts the User has Permissions for.
1 comment
The last part of this sentence is missing in the Bank Account Security support article:
Security settings will only affect accounts where type is 'Bank'. Other accounts like Expense or Trust have
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