Our WIP - AR - Trust Report provides details on matter open WIP and AR balances and the corresponding trust balances to assist partners and billing personnel determine which clients have trust/retainer balances available to pay open AR balances and evaluate WIP exposure.
You may download this report here.
Please note that the Responsible Attorney field must be configured in the System Settings > System Configuration > Advanced Billing > Matter Trust/AR Report section for this report to specify the user lookup field on the matter for Responsible Attorney shown.
After downloading and adding the report to your report center, you may run the report from the tab you specified.
All active matters will appear in the first column titled "Matter." You may filter these with the filters at the top of your report, which includes "Responsible Attorney," "Client," "Matter," and "Originator." The originator filter is using the originators set in the origination setting page on each matter.
The following is an explanation of each column:
Matter - All active matters are returned, matter name is displayed
Fee WIP - The value of all un-billed time for the matter.
Expenses WIP - The value of all un-billed expenses for the matter.
Total WIP - The sum of WIP.
Open Billed Fees - The value of all posted, billed time.
Open Billed Expenses - The value of all posted, billed expenses.
Open Billed Total - The value of all unpaid, open posted bills.
Open Credits - The value of all open, unapplied credits for the matter. This will not include credits applied only at the client level, on matter credits.
Total AR - Open bills total less open credits.
WIP Plus AR - The sum of all open WIP plus Total AR.
Trust Balance - The balance of the clients DEFAULT trust account. If a client has more than one trust or retainer, this will only display the balance of the default account.
Trust Less AR - Trust balance minus Total AR.
Trust Less AR and WIP - Trust balance minus Total AR and WIP.
Replenish Req AR - The trust replenishment needed to cover Total AR.
Replenish Req Total - The trust replenishment needed to cover Total AR and bring the trust back to specified target level.
Trust Replenish Trigger Amt - The minimum balance for the matter trust that will trigger a replenishment request when reached.
Trust Replenish Target - The target amount to replenish the trust balance to after minimum trigger amount is reached.
You may download your report data into an Excel spreadsheet or print it by using the "Download Excel" or "Print" buttons at the top of your report.
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