The Taskframe feature allows Centerbase users to organize and manage tasks in a Kanban interface.
Enabling the Taskframe
To enable access to the Taskframe, first, add the Taskframe action button to the Navigation Bar settings in the System Settings.
Once you've added that, click Save and then go back to your Centerbase site. Refresh your page and you'll be able to access the Taskframe from the navigation bar.
Configuring the Taskframe
When you first go to the Taskframe, you'll see a blank task board:
The first thing you'll want to do is create a list. This can be done by selecting the plus button next to "Add New List". That will bring up a window that will allow you to name the new List.
Once you've created the list, click the three dots and select "Add new card" to add a card to the list.
Another window will open allowing you to enter any details necessary in the card.
Once you're done, click Save, and the card will appear in the specified list. If at any point you want to make edits to the card, click anywhere in the box to pull the details up again. There will be additional options included, such as deleting the card or viewing the details of the card as a task. Each card will display the task's details, such as the name, completion status, due date, and scheduled users. To move a card to another list, click and drag the card to the desired list.
When created, cards also create tasks that appear on the Calendar. If you want to view the task, click on Go to Task.
Existing Tasks can be added to the Taskframe by selecting the checkbox next to the task in any Activities list and selecting "Add to Taskframe" from the Actions menu. Clicking that will allow you to pick which list to add the task to.
*Please note that the Manage button will only appear for users who have Admin-level permissions for the current board.
If you want to add a list or manage existing ones, click "Manage" and select Manage Lists*. That will open a window that will allow you to add, delete, and reorder Taskframe Lists.
To add a new list, enter a name in the Name box and click Add. To delete an existing list, click the X next to the List Name. To rename an existing list, click the name of the list you want to change. To reorder existing lists, either drag and drop the rows, or click on the number next to the list and enter the desired list position.
If you want to manage who has access to the specific board, click "Manage"* and select "Manage Users".
*Please note that the Manage button will only appear for users who have Admin-level permissions for the current board.
The Taskframe also supports multiple boards that users can create and manage. Each board has its own set of lists, background color, and security settings (with variable permission levels). When you open the Taskframe, if you don't have access to any boards, you'll see a message stating that with an option to create one. Otherwise, the Taskframe will load your last visited board.
Clicking "Create Board" will bring up a window with a place to name the board and choose its background color. After creating the board, if at any time you would like to change these settings, you can do so by clicking "Manage"* and selecting "Board Settings". Doing so will pull up the same window as when you create a new board with the option to delete the current board.
Any boards that you have access to will be available in the dropdown at the top. New boards can also be added from existing boards by clicking the plus button next to that dropdown.
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