Every user has their own dashboard. If you add, remove, or resize a widget on your dashboard, it does not affect anyone else’s dashboard.
There is one Firm Dashboard all users can see. In order to edit the Firm Dashboard, a user needs the permission “Can Edit Firm Dashboard” as well as have general customizing rights.
To change the dashboard you are viewing, click on the title and a dropdown will appear:
Customize Your Dashboard
You can click and drag widgets into any position.
You can resize a widget by clicking on the resize icons and dragging it to the size you want it to be.
You can choose a new chart for any widget that already contains a chart. To edit a chart, click on the pencil.
If you want to remove a chart from the dashboard, click remove. You can add it back at any time by clicking Add Widget.
Charts on the dashboard now have basic export capabilities. You can export a chart as a jpg, png, svg, csv, xlsx (Excel), or pdf.
Set Dashboard Options
You can set the name of your dashboard by clicking the Options button at the top.
Widget Library
Clicking "Add Widget" will open the Widget Library.
For now, the only widgets available here are “Today’s Appointments” and “Today’s Tasks”
You can click “Preview All Charts” to quickly see what every chart looks like or click “Preview” on an individual chart. Some charts can take a long time to load based on the size of the data. When you click “Add to Dashboard”, you will get a confirmation like the following so you can double check that you are adding a chart to the correct dashboard:
Tiles (a.k.a. System Formulas)
You can create new tiles by clicking Add Tile
The Formula dialog now lets you choose a View Type for the formula.
- Private means only you can see the tile.
- Protected means only you can edit the tile, but anyone can see it.
- Public means anyone can edit and view the tile.
You can preview a tile similarly to how you can preview a chart. Since the calculations behind tiles are sometimes intensive, there is no Preview All Tiles button.
Filters can be set to narrow your data in every section.
There are three new permissions related to dashboards:
Can View All Dashboards
- A user with this permission may see everyone’s dashboard in the list instead of just their own and the Firm Dashboard.
- They cannot edit the dashboard in any way
Can Edit All Dashboards
- A user with this permission may see and edit everyone’s dashboard in the list instead of just their own and the Firm Dashboard.
- This includes resizing, removing, and adding widgets
- The user must also have general Customize rights
- If a widget (such as a tile) is private to the dashboard owner, the user cannot edit the underlying widget calculations
- “Firm Dashboard” is not included
Can Edit Firm Dashboard
- A user with this permission may edit the Firm Dashboard
- The user must also have general Customize rights
- This permission takes the place of “Set System Default Chart Layout" and "Set System Default Dashboard Tiles". They have been removed.
You’ll know View All or Edit All is active when you can see all the dashboards:
A search bar becomes visible when there are 10 or more dashboards in the list.
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