The New Outlook add-in introduces many new and important features, some of them are usable even if you continue to use the old add-in. With the new add-in, emails are saved as .MSG file instead of .M16 files. What this means is that they are saved as emails and when you download/open them, you can do anything that you could do with an open email in outlook. Additionally, in Centerbase we have added new fields for all emails that allow you to search and report by that will make your life much easier when you need to find an email.
New File Type
As mentioned above the new add-in saves emails in a new file type, but what does that mean to you? It means that emails will now be saved in their native format and when opened, it can be interacted with as an email, not just a text copy of an email. A colleague needs a copy of an email, open it and forward it right from Centerbase.
Download button
Even with the new file type, you will still be able to view emails the way that you always have by clicking on the record. To open an email, press the download button or navigate to Email Actions > Open. Once you have done either of these the email will download to your temp folder and you can open it or attach it. One change to the old way of saving that comes with this is that attachments are no longer saved in Centerbase individually, instead if you want to open an attachment you will have to download the .MSG and open the attachment from the email.
New Fields
You have always been able to search by an email’s subject but now you can search by:
- Sender
- To
- CC
- Date Received
- Date Sent
- Has Attachment (True/False)
- Direction (Incoming/Outgoing)
- Body
- Attachment Names
In order to see and use these new fields you will need to turn them on through the admin tool > Admin Tab > Data Views > Email. Once you turn them on you will be able to query by them and add them as columns in the emails page.
Download the Preview Version here.
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